"A Sustainable Community that is inclusive, attractive, healthy and pleasant to live in, that uses our land so as to preserve our history and environment, respects the rights and equality of our citizens and manages our future growth wisely."








Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting


14 September 2017



"A thriving and friendly community that recognises our history and embraces cultural diversity and economic opportunity, whilst nurturing our unique natural and built environment."




“To deliver affordable and quality Local Government services.”




The core values that underpin the achievement of the

 mission will be based on a strong customer service

focus and a positive attitude:















The purpose of Council Meetings is to discuss, and where possible, make resolutions about items appearing on the agenda.  Whilst Council has the power to resolve such items and may in fact, appear to have done so at the meeting, no person should rely on or act on the basis of such decision or on any advice or information provided by a Member or Officer, or on the content of any discussion occurring, during the course of the meeting.


Persons should be aware that the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995 (Section 5.25 (e)) establish procedures for revocation or rescission of a Council decision.  No person should rely on the decisions made by Council until formal advice of the Council decision is received by that person.  The Shire of Broome expressly disclaims liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of relying on or acting on the basis of any resolution of Council, or any advice or information provided by a Member or Officer, or the content of any discussion occurring, during the course of the Council meeting.


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Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting

Thursday 14 September 2017

INDEX – Minutes


1.               Official Opening.. 5

2.               Attendance And Apologies. 5

3.               Declarations Of Financial Interest / Impartiality. 5

4.               Confirmation Of Minutes. 6

5.               Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed.. 6

6.               Report of Officers. 7



7.               Notices OF MOTION.. 98

8.               Matters Behind Closed Doors. 98

9.               Meeting Closure. 98


MinutesEconomic Development Advisory Committee Meeting 14 September 2017                          Page 4 of 98







Dear Committee Member,



The next Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting of the Shire of Broome will be held on Thursday, 14 September 2017 in the Function Room, Corner Weld and Haas Streets, Broome, commencing at 2:00pm.








Chief Executive Officer




MinutesEconomic Development Advisory Committee Meeting 14 September 2017                          Page 6 of 98


MINUTES OF THE Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting OF THE SHIRE OF BROOME,

HELD IN THE Committee Room, Corner Weld and Haas Streets, Broome, ON Thursday 14 September 2017, COMMENCING AT 2:00pm.


1.         Official Opening

The Chairperson welcomed Committee members, Officers and declared the meeting open at 2:30pm.

2.         Attendance And Apologies 


Attendance:               Cr H Tracey               Council Representative (Chairperson)

                                      Mr D Banfield            Willie Creek Pearls

                                      Ms S Bergersen         Nyamba Buru Yawuru

                                      Mr P Taylor                Chamber of Commerce

                                      Mr K Schellack         Kimberley Port Authority

                                      Ms K Krenz                 Broome International Airport

                                      Mr G Fiorenza           Colin Wilkinson Developments


Leave of Absence:    Nil


Apologies:                   Cr R Johnston           Council Representative

                                      Ms G Stewart            North Regional TAFE

                                      Mr J Brown                Broome Tourism Leadership Group

                                      Mr C Ham                  Department of Agriculture

                                      Mr P Ferrante            Landcorp


Officers:                       Mr S Mastrolembo   Chief Executive Officer

                                      Ms A Nugent             Director Development & Community

                                      Mr M Davis                Manager Community & Economic Development

                                      Ms R Chappell          Coordinator Events & Economic Development

                                      Ms S Owen                Development & Community Executive Support Officer


Observers:                   Ms M Virgo                Broome Visitors Centre

3.         Declarations Of Financial Interest / Impartiality

It is noted that Mr Paul Ferrante and Mr Simon Proud are members of the EDAC representing Landcorp.  In accordance with section 5.63(1)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995, they do not have an interest to disclose in any matter before the committee in which Landcorp may be involved.  This exemption (from disclosing interests) does not extend to any direct or indirect financial interest or proximity interest that they may have personally.



Committee Member

Item No


Nature of Interest

Ms K Krenz


Request for Support – Intra-Regional Air Service

Financial - Airport stands to benefit financially if this service went ahead.



Committee Member

Item No


Nature of Interest



4.         Confirmation Of Minutes


Committee Resolution:

Moved: Mr P Taylor                                                   Seconded: Mr D Banfield

That the Minutes of the Economic Development Advisory Committee held on 18 May 2017, as published and circulated, be confirmed as a true and accurate record of that meeting.



5.         Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed

The Chief Executive Officer advises that there are matters for discussion on the agenda for which the meeting may be closed, in accordance with section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995.


That the following Agenda items be considered under 14. Matters Behind Closed Doors, in accordance with section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995, as specified:


Item 6.2 and any attachments are confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(ii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal information that has a commercial value to a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”, and section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.




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6.         Report of Officers



LOCATION/ADDRESS:                             Nil

APPLICANT:                                              Nil

FILE:                                                           EDP002

AUTHOR:                                                   Events and Economic Development Coordinator

CONTRIBUTOR/S:                                    Nil

RESPONSIBLE OFFICER:                           Director Development and Community

DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST:                      Nil

DATE OF REPORT:                                    28 August 2017


SUMMARY:         This report presents the Broome Events Strategic Development Plan and the Events Strategy for Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) consideration. Officers are seeking EDAC’s recommendation that Council adopt the Plan and Strategy for implementation.


Previous Considerations




The Broome Major Events Discussion Paper was presented to the EDAC meeting held 17 December 2015. This Paper provided members with an overview of a recent increase in enquiries from large event holders, and was developed following consultation with Tourism WA and other stakeholders on event attraction within the Shire. Current activity to support this form of economic and social benefit, as well as an overview of current resourcing and event activity in a typical Broome event calendar, was presented to assist the EDAC in providing recommendations as to the type of major events to target and investigation of funding options. Subsequently this report was presented to Council for consideration and at the Ordinary Meeting of Council 25 February 2016 Council resolved as follows:





To ensure well informed decisions are being made in relation to the events that are targeted for attraction or support in Broome, a consultant was engaged by the Shire to undertake research and consultation and to prepare the Events Strategic Development Plan. The consultant, Metrix, was appointed in November 2016 to develop the Plan, and the process followed to develop the Plan is outlined below.


Project Brief


The project brief was to develop a strategic plan to improve Broome’s major events calendar.  Major events are those with at least 1,500 attendees over a 2 day period or participant based events with 250+ travellers. The Shire understands the potential positive impact a successful event can have on regional communities, creating sustained tourism and economic growth.


The aim is to attract and retain events that will increase the length of stay of existing visitors and increase visitation levels during the peak and shoulder seasons, which in turn will deliver increased tourism expenditure in the Shire.


Methodology and Findings


The process undertaken by Metrix involved research including a review of existing literature relevant to events and tourism.  It also involved engagement within the events industry including key Broome stakeholders, external events industry stakeholders and funding providers. Through this process, the intention was to identify the capabilities that are required to build, enhance or attract major events, what types of major events should be included in the Broome events calendar and how to attract funding for major events. As part of the process Metrix looked at what Broome currently has in place for each of the above areas, where there are gaps and how these might be addressed.


A compressive review was undertaken of the existing Broome events calendar looking at:


·    what events were successful and what contributed to this success;

·    where there were gaps in the event calendar or offering of events; and

·    what the opportunities are for developing events to address the gaps.


The research also looked at the different categories of events; namely:

·    drawcard events that will bring additional tourists to Broome;

·    enhancers that will enrich the experience of those already visiting Broome; and

·    community events that connect the community and create a vibrant atmosphere for community and visitors alike.


The shoulder season presents the largest gap in the current events calendar and as such offers the greatest opportunities for development. However, there are skills gaps and limited local capacity due to a small pool of skilled volunteers juggling volunteering with full time jobs and this impacts the ability to deliver and develop events.


The gap that exists in relation to venues in Broome is for larger indoor venues suited to events and conferences. The outdoor venues are key to developing unique and authentic events in Broome. However, event organisers are challenged by the high cost of operating in locations that capitalise on the natural landscape. Beyond basic lighting, power and bathroom facilities, all other standard event equipment must be hired. As a result, the costs associated with activating these spaces is currently limiting event feasibility and sustainability.


The Plan has identified that the events that are considered best suited to Broome fall into the following three categories:

·    Cultural events: the rational for this is that Broome has a rich history and unique culture to share, including indigenous culture and community, pearling history and Asian influences and multi-cultural ‘melting pot’ of 70 nationalities. These events could be in the form of arts, culinary and music.


·    Participation sports: Broome has a strong sporting community, established sporting facilities (e.g. BRAC) and a unique natural environment (e.g. Cable Beach) that can be leveraged for land based events.


·    Conferences: Broome has a strong accommodation offering and existing facilities that may enable it to cater to larger audiences. Combined with a Broome and Kimberley experience, this could be a compelling proposition.


The target markets for Broome tourists were identified as the grey explorer, the dedicated discoverer and the aspirational achiever. Events need to be built to appeal to one of these markets if they are to be successful. Further research identified that events that are successful not only in the Broome region but across other regions are unique, authentic, have strong community buy-in and quality delivery.


There is the opportunity for the Shire of Broome to take on a role to support the upskilling of local event organisers in event management including:

·    development of traffic, risk and noise management plans;

·    financial modelling and budget development

·    understanding Local Laws and State government regulations;

·    liaising with stakeholders both internally in Broome and externally (in particular event management companies, funders and government departments for example Tourism WA).  To establish relationship that benefit local event organisers.




The Shire should seek to build depth in the Broome events calendar by building on existing events that are community built, unique to the region and authentic, highlighting Broome’s indigenous and multicultural history.  This can be achieved by encouraging the clustering of new events around existing events.  A review of where the available funding is being allocated needs to be considered to ensure the best outcomes for growth and development of these events.


To best support the attraction, retention and development of events and to grow and add depth in the Broome events calendar the Shire needs to provide support in the key areas of event planning and support, stakeholder liaison and management, funding provision and support to build relationships with funders. This may include considering an increase in resources within the Shire events team, to implement the Strategy in a shorter time frame. This will allow Broome to achieve greater benefits by allowing the Shire to take a more proactive approach to events. A larger team will increase productivity through greater collaboration and a better working environment and demonstrates a commitment to events and economic development.


When undertaking planning for precinct development in Broome, there is a need to consider the inclusion of infrastructure that will support activating these spaces through events, which may include staging areas, public toilets, lighting, audio visual/sound equipment and greater access to three phased and 15amp power outlets.


Two documents were developed as part of the Events Strategic Development Plan; a report containing a comprehensive overview of the events industry in Broome including research findings and proposed actions (see Attachment 1) and a Broome Major Events Strategy that includes the actions to be undertaken (see Attachment 2).  The five Strategic pillars that were identified are:


1.   The Shire – A progressive partner and investor in events

2.   Events Calendar –Stimulate the economy during the shoulder seasons

3.   Event Delivery – Deliver professional small to medium sized events

4.   Infrastructure – Enable greater activation of Shire infrastructure

5.   Conferences – Make Broome an attractive destination to host conferences


Each Strategic events pillar has action identified to progress toward the desired outcome of extending the events season and building depth with in the annual events calendar.




Officers recommend that EDAC recommend that Council adopt the Events Strategic Development Plan and the Broome Major Events Strategy. Where activities identified within the Strategy have no allocation in the current 2017/18 budget or Corporate Business Plan 2017-2021, project briefs be developed to enable the funding of projects to be considered as part of future corporate planning and budgeting processes. 


Immediately upon adoption of the Strategy, the Shire can actively assist in the implementation of the Strategy by providing support to event organisers in capacity building, and liaison with internal, external stakeholders and funding providers. The Shire can also continue to review and streamline processes that apply to event applications.




See list of stakeholders consulted by Matrix as part of the development of the Plan and Strategy in Attachment 3 to this report.




Local Government Act 1995








Implementation of the Events Strategic Development Plan and Broome Major Events Strategy will be undertaken within current resources and allocations in the 2017/18 financial year budget. Where implementation is proposed to be undertaken in future financial years, project briefs will be developed for consideration as part of the budgeting process.


Provision has been made in the 2017/18 budget for the delivery of a group of workshops to upskill local event organisers.









Adoption of the Events Strategic Development Plan and the Events Strategy



Shire perceived to be only focusing on Events

Broome Growth Plan implemented to address all areas of economic development

Failure to adopt the Events Strategic Development Plan and the Events Strategy



Shire perceived as not actively supporting economic and events development

Adopt the Plan and Strategy






Our People Goal – Foster a community environment that is accessible, affordable, inclusive, healthy and safe:


Participation in recreational and leisure activity


Our Place Goal – Help to protect the nature and built environment and cultural heritage of Broome whilst recognising the unique sense of the place:


A preserved, unique and significant historical and cultural heritage of Broome


Retention and expansion of Broome’s iconic tourism assets and reputation


Our Prosperity Goal – Create the means to enable local jobs creation and lifestyle affordability for the current and future population:


Key economic development strategies for the Shire which are aligned to regional outcomes working through recognised planning and development groups/committees


Our Organisation Goal – Continually enhance the Shire’s organisational capacity to service the needs of a growing community:


Responsible resource allocation


Effective community engagement


Improved systems, processes and compliance




Simple Majority



Committee Resolution:

(Report Recommendation)

Moved: Mr P Taylor                                                   Seconded: Mr G Fiorenza

That the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommends that Council adopts the Events Strategic Development Plan and the Broome Major Events Strategy as shown in Attachments 1 and 2 of this report.





Events Strategic Development Plan


Broome Major Events Strategy


Event Strategy Stakeholders





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MinutesEconomic Development Advisory Committee Meeting 14 September 2017                        Page 97 of 97


With regard to Item 6.2 Ms K Krenz declared a Financial Interest as “Airport stands to benefit financially if this service went ahead” and departed the Function Room at 2:59pm. As this resulted in a loss of quorum and there were no further Items on the Agenda, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2:59pm.


This item and any attachments are confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(ii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal information that has a commercial value to a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”, and section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.


LOCATION/ADDRESS:                             Nil

APPLICANT:                                              Nil

FILE:                                                           EDP006

AUTHOR:                                                   Manager Community and Economic Development

CONTRIBUTOR/S:                                    Nil

RESPONSIBLE OFFICER:                           Director Development and Community

DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST:                      Nil

DATE OF REPORT:                                    1 September 2017


SUMMARY:         The Shire of Broome has received a proposal from Aviair seeking support for the development of regular public transport air services throughout the Pilbara and to Broome.

Shire officers have engaged with the proponent and key stakeholders to obtain background information and examine potential benefits for Broome’s tourism industry, community and businesses. Economic modelling on benefits for Broome is unavailable at this point.

In the first instance, the Shire’s support is being sought through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to guide collaboration with the proponent and other local governments to further develop the proposal. This agreement would also include an expectation that the Shire to negotiate and obtain local support, including with the Broome International Airport.





Aviair Proposal (Confidential to Councillors and Directors Only)

This attachment is confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(i)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal a trade secret, where the trade secret is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”, and section 5.23(2)((e)(ii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal information that has a commercial value to a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”, and section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.


Aviair MOU (Confidential to Councillors and Directors Only)

This attachment is confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(i)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal a trade secret, where the trade secret is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”, and section 5.23(2)((e)(ii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal information that has a commercial value to a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”, and section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.



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7.         Notices OF MOTION 


8.         Matters Behind Closed Doors



9.         Meeting Closure

There being no further business the Chairperson declared the meeting closed at  2:59pm.