"A Sustainable Community that is inclusive, attractive, healthy and pleasant to live in, that uses our land so as to preserve our history and environment, respects the rights and equality of our citizens and manages our future growth wisely."








Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting


5 April 2018



"A thriving and friendly community that recognises our history and embraces cultural diversity and economic opportunity, whilst nurturing our unique natural and built environment."




“To deliver affordable and quality Local Government services.”




The core values that underpin the achievement of the

 mission will be based on a strong customer service

focus and a positive attitude:















The purpose of Council Meetings is to discuss, and where possible, make resolutions about items appearing on the agenda.  Whilst Council has the power to resolve such items and may in fact, appear to have done so at the meeting, no person should rely on or act on the basis of such decision or on any advice or information provided by a Member or Officer, or on the content of any discussion occurring, during the course of the meeting.


Persons should be aware that the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995 (Section 5.25 (e)) establish procedures for revocation or rescission of a Council decision.  No person should rely on the decisions made by Council until formal advice of the Council decision is received by that person.  The Shire of Broome expressly disclaims liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of relying on or acting on the basis of any resolution of Council, or any advice or information provided by a Member or Officer, or the content of any discussion occurring, during the course of the Council meeting.


MinutesEconomic Development Advisory Committee Meeting 5 April 2018                                            Page 1 of 4



Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting

Thursday 5 April 2018

INDEX – Minutes


1.               Official Opening.. 5

2.               Attendance And Apologies. 5

3.               Declarations Of Financial Interest / Impartiality. 5

4.               Confirmation Of Minutes. 6

5.               Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed.. 6

6.               Report of Officers. 8



6.3.... Tourism Administration Policy Allocations for 2018/19. 38

7.               Notices OF MOTION.. 45

8.               Matters Behind Closed Doors. 45

9.               Meeting Closure. 45


MinutesEconomic Development Advisory Committee Meeting 5 April 2018                                            Page 1 of 4







Dear Council Member,



The next Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting of the Shire of Broome will be held on Thursday, 5 April 2018 in the Function Room, Corner Weld and Haas Streets, Broome, commencing at 2:00pm.








Chief Executive Officer




MinutesEconomic Development Advisory Committee Meeting 5 April 2018                                            Page 1 of 4


MINUTES OF THE Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting OF THE SHIRE OF BROOME,

HELD IN THE Function Room, Corner Weld and Haas Streets, Broome, ON Thursday 5 April 2018, COMMENCING AT 2:00pm.


1.         Official Opening

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) welcomed Committee members, Officers and declared the meeting open at 3:20pm. He advised that he would be presiding over the meeting up until the Office of Chairperson was elected.

The CEO called for nominations for the position of Chairperson. Cr D Male nominated Cr H Tracey for the position of Chairperson. Cr H Tracey accepted the nomination over the phone prior to the meeting. Cr H Tracey was elected unopposed.

The CEO called for nominations for the position of Deputy Chairperson. Cr D Male nominated herself for deputy Chairperson. Cr D Male was elected unopposed.

Cr D Male assumed the Chair in the absence of Chairperson.

2.         Attendance And Apologies 


Attendance:               Cr D Male                  Council Representative

                                      Cr C Mitchell            Council Representative
                                      Ms R Snowden         North Regional Tafe

                                      Mr D Galwey            Broome Visitors Centre

                                      Mr K Schellack         Kimberley Ports Authority

                                      Ms S Bergersen         Nyamba Buru Yawuru

                                      Ms K Krenz                 Broome International Airport

                                      Ms M Virgo                Broome Visitors Centre

                                      Mr S Proud                 Landcorp

                                      Mr P Taylor                Chamber of Commerce
                                      Ms E Lucke                Chamber of Commerce


Leave of Absence:    Nil

Apologies:                   Cr H Tracey               Council Representative
                                      Mr P Ferrante            LandCorp
                                      Mr P McSweeney    Broome International Airport
                                      Mr D Banfield            Willie Creek Pearls
                                      Mr J Brown                Broome Tourism Leadership Group

                                      Mr G Fiorenza           Colin Wilkinson Developments     

Officers:                       Sam Mastrolembo   Chief Executive Officer

                                      Aletta Nugent          Director Development and Community

                                      Mark Davis                Manager Community & Economic Development

                                      Rhondda Chappell Coordinator Economic & Events Development

                                      Bronwyn Jones         Development & Community Executive Support Officer


3.         Declarations Of Financial Interest / Impartiality

It is noted that Mr Paul Ferrante and Mr Simon Proud are members of the EDAC representing Landcorp.  In accordance with section 5.63(1)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995, they do not have an interest to disclose in any matter before the committee in which Landcorp may be involved.  This exemption (from disclosing interests) does not extend to any direct or indirect financial interest or proximity interest that they may have personally.



Committee Member

Item No


Nature of Interest

Desiree Male


Events, Economic & Tourism Development Funding Program

Financial – a number of community applicants are clients of my business.

Susan Bergersen


Events, Economic & Tourism Development Funding Program

Financial – Board member BCCI.

Melanie Virgo


Tourism Administration Policy Allocations for 2018/19

Financial – I am Operations Manager of the BVC & I am on the payroll.

Desiree Male


Tourism Administration Policy Allocations for 2018/19

Financial – ANW is a client of my business.

Elisabeth Lucke


Events, Economic & Tourism Development Funding Program

Proximity – I am Director & Vice President of the BCCI.



Committee Member

Item No


Nature of Interest

Melanie Virgo


Application for Funding – Tourism Initiatives

Impartiality – BVC promotes & sells tickets for some of these events. Visitor servicing is part of BVC. Some are members.

David Galwey


Application for Funding – Tourism Initiatives

Impartiality - Committee Member of Cruise Broome.

Susan Bergersen


Events, Economic & Tourism Development Funding Program

Impartiality – NBY/Yawuru has supported the Salt Water Country Rodeo. KLC -  National Native Title – NBY is a co-host.

Simon Proud


Events, Economic & Tourism Development Funding Program

Impartiality – I am a Member of the Broome Turf Club Inc.

Melanie Virgo


Events, Economic & Tourism Development Funding Program

Impartiality – They are members. We promote & sell tickets. Part of Visitor servicing for BVC role.

Peter Taylor


Events, Economic & Tourism Development Funding Program

Impartiality - President BCCI

David Galwey


Tourism Administration Policy Allocations for 2018/19

Impartiality - Chairman of the BVC Board


4.         Confirmation Of Minutes


Committee Resolution:

Moved: Mr P Taylor                                                   Seconded: Ms S Bergersen

That the Minutes of the Economic Development Advisory Committee held on 14 September 2017, as published and circulated, be confirmed as a true and accurate record of that meeting.



Committee Resolution:

Moved: Cr D Male                                                    Seconded: Cr C Mitchell

That the Minutes of the Economic Development Advisory Committee held on 10 October 2017, as published and circulated, be confirmed as a true and accurate record of that meeting.



5.         Matters For Which The Meeting May Be Closed

The deputy Chairperson advises that there are matters for discussion on the agenda for which the meeting may be closed, in accordance with section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995.


That the following Agenda items be considered under 14. Matters Behind Closed Doors, in accordance with section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995, as specified:


Item 6.2 and any attachments are confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(ii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal information that has a commercial value to a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”, and section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.


6.         Report of Officers


With regard to Item 6.1, Mr D Galwey declared the following impartiality interest pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 – “Committee Member of Cruise Broome”

With regard to Item 6.1, Ms M Virgo declared the following impartiality interest pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 – “BVC promotes & sells tickets for some of these events. Visitor servicing is part of BVC. Some are members.”



LOCATION/ADDRESS:                             NIL

APPLICANT:                                              Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd, Kimberley Land Council and Fat Bike Championships Inc

FILE:                                                           REE26

AUTHOR:                                                   Events and Economic Development Coordinator

CONTRIBUTOR/S:                                    Manager Community and Economic Development

RESPONSIBLE OFFICER:                           Director Development and Community

DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST:                      NIL

DATE OF REPORT:                                    15 March 2018


SUMMARY:         This report seeks Economic Development Advisory Committee consideration of requests for funding through the Tourism Administration Policy allocation of funds for tourism initiatives within the 2017/18 Shire budget.

The Shire has received three requests for funding support from:

·    Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd - $20,000

·    Kimberley Land Council - $20,000

·    Fat Bike Championships Inc - $ 2,000






Previous Considerations


EDAC 16 February 2017                    Item 5.1

OMC 30 March 2017                         Item 10.1


Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd requested and was granted funding for the 2017 Cable Beach Polo event as per the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) resolution on 16 February 2017 and Council resolution on 30 March 2017 below:


CoMMITTEE Resolution:

Moved: Mr N Linton                                                  Seconded: Mr G Fiorenza

That the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommends that Council:

1.       Approves an amended amount of financial support for Pinctada Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd and provide financial support for the 2017 Cable Beach Polo tournament to the value of $10,000 cash and an additional $8,827.64 in-kind the event.

2.       Requires Pinctada Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd to provide the following in return for the contribution of cash and in kind:

a)      Shire of Broome name and logo on one jeans leg of four teams

b)      One single side panel field banner provided by the event organisers over the two day coverage

c)      Half page advertisement in the tournament program

d)      Shire of Broome logo appearing on event collateral where appropriate

e)      Shire of Broome Logo acknowledgement on the official Cable Beach Polo website with link to sponsors website

f)       Presentation and introduction of the Shire of Broome on official occasions throughout the tournament

g)      Invitation to the Shire President (or nominee) to officially welcome sponsors and their guests at the official welcome cocktail party on Friday 19 May 2017

h)      A report outlining economic benefits for Broome.

3.       Requests the Chief Executive Officer to allocate $10,000 cash contribution and $8,827.64 in kind contribution from GL # 132060 Tourism Development and Area Promotions account with the condition that the event proceeds.





Moved: Cr H Tracey                                                 Seconded: Cr P Matsumoto

That Council receives the minutes of the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting held on the 16 February 2017 and endorses the recommendations put forward by the Economic Development Advisory Committee, with the following amendments to the request for financial support for Pinctada Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd:

a)      The sponsorship package will not include the Shire of Broome name and logo on one leg of four teams; and

b)      The financial funding support will be for one year only. i.e. the 2017 event.



Fat Bike Championships Inc and the Kimberley Land Council have not previously been provided funding for tourism initiatives through the Tourism Administration Policy funding.




The Shire has been approached to provide financial support for 3 events taking place in May to June 2018.  Officers are proposing that the funds to support these initiatives come from the Tourism Administration Policy annual allocation.


The Tourism Administration Policy includes a focus area for funding strategic tourism initiatives, in addition to visitor servicing and destination marketing. Through the 2017/18 financial budget an amount of $50,000 was allocated to provide financial support to tourism initiatives. No applications had been received in this financial year, prior to these 3 events.




Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd


The Shire of Broome has been approached by Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd who will hold the Cable Beach Polo tournament on 26-27 May 2018. The applicant has requested financial support of $20,000 to contribute towards the cost of Jack Stein - a guest Executive Chef for the Dinner Under the Stars component of the 2018 Event (see Attachment 1). 


Jack Stein is featuring in a new television cooking series, following the huge success of a series shot in the south of WA last year. The producer is wanting to use the Cable Beach Polo event as the storyline for Jack to be in Broome, exploring the fabulous fresh produce of the region. They will be filming him finding the produce, especially seafood, and then serving it up to the 200 people on the beach for the dinner.


The series has been bought by a major UK television broadcaster and will be broadcast internationally as well as in Australia. Jack Stein interviews in the UK promoting the last television series brought over 250,000 pounds positive television time for the destinations Jack spoke about, without including the value of the television series itself.


The inaugural Cable Beach Polo tournament was held in 2010 and then successfully held in 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015. This event attracts professional Polo players both domestic and international, and approximately 45-50 horses as part of the 2 day event consisting of 5 polo matches. The opportunity to hold this event in Broome is made possible by the association between Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd, the Swan Valley Polo Club and the sanction of the Australian Polo Federation.


The Cable Beach Polo event aligns to the Event Strategic Development Plan as it is a draw card, enhancer and community event. It is unique as it is the only Polo event held on a beach in Australia, and has high quality delivery.


There is also alignment with the following outcomes from the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027:

·    Outcome1.4.4 Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027 Advocate for and promote regional sporting events and competitions.

·    Outcome 2.5.1 Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027 Engage with local, regional, state, national and international stakeholders to build a strong and resilient tourism sector.

·    Outcome 2.5.2 Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027 Promote the Shire of Broome as an attractive place to visit.


Kimberley Land Council


The Shire of Broome has been approached by Kimberley Land Council who will be holding the 2018 Native Title Conference on 5 - 7 June 2018 (see Attachment 2). The applicant has requested financial support of $20,000 for in-kind services to contribute towards the cost of holding the event. 


The 2018 Native Title Conference will draw a large national audience to Broome, many who will be visiting for the first time. The accommodation, catering, equipment hire, transport and coordination required for the successful conference will provide an economic boost to the town’s businesses.


There will be active promotion of the event on social media channels. The conference attendees from across Australia will be keen to experience all that Broome has to offer. This will provide an opportunity for local businesses to benefit from the delegates’ patronage during their stay as well as broader exposure of the town, region and experiences of Broome as an attractive destination.


The cultural program will allow local performers, dance troupes and artists to promote their performance and art to a national audience. Outside of the formal program, opportunities will arise for music and festivities to entertain and entice the travelling attendees. The Indigenous population of Broome and the Kimberley will take pride in promoting their strong culture and traditions to a wider audience.


The Kimberley Land Council conference aligns to the Shire’s Event Strategic Development Plan as it is a draw card, enhancer and community event. It is also a significant cultural event celebrating Indigenous culture and a large conference being hosted in Broome. The Broome Major Events Strategy Pillar 5 outlines the goals to make Broome an attractive destination to host conferences, and this event will provide an opportunity for Broome to demonstrate it has the capacity to host large conferences. 


There is also alignment with the following outcomes from the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027:

·    Outcome1.4.4 Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027 Advocate for and promote regional sporting events and competitions.

·    Outcome 2.5.1 Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027 Engage with local, regional, state, national and international stakeholders to build a strong and resilient tourism sector.

·    Outcome 2.5.2 Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027 Promote the Shire of Broome as an attractive place to visit.


Fat Bike Championships Inc


The Shire of Broome has been approached by Fat Bike Championships Inc who will be holding the 2018 Fat Bike Championships on 11 May 2018. The applicant has requested financial support of $2,000 to contribute towards the cost of holding the event.  The application was submitted for the Annual Community Sponsorship Program, however the event is scheduled to occur prior to when this funding round would be presented to Council for consideration. In consultation with the applicant, it was agreed to present this for consideration from the tourism initiatives funding.


Fat Bike Championships Inc. was established to create a series of race events specifically catering to riders of 'fat bikes'. These bicycles typically have tyre widths between 3.8" to 5.0" (10cm to 13cm) and use very low tyre pressures to negotiate all types of off road terrain including soft sand, mud and even snow.


The Association's mission is to create a Fat Bike National Championship, sanctioned by the sport's peak body, Mountain Bike Australia (MTBA) to attract elite and non-elite cycling athletes to compete for the National Champion rider's jersey.


The Fat Bike Championships event aligns with the Event Strategic Development Plan as it is a draw card, enhancer and community event. It is a participant sport event that appeals to the aspirational achiever’s market. The Broome Major Events Strategy Pillar 2 outlines the goal to build depth during the shoulder season and build cluster events. 


There is also alignment with the following outcomes from the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027:

·    Outcome1.4.4 Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027 Advocate for and promote regional sporting events and competitions.

·    Outcome 2.5.1 Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027 Engage with local, regional, state, national and international stakeholders to build a strong and resilient tourism sector.

·    Outcome 2.5.2 Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027 Promote the Shire of Broome as an attractive place to visit.




The applications received all are within the allocated funding available in the 2017/18 budget and are considered to provide value to the events and economic sector in Broome.  Therefore, officers recommend that all 3 of the applications are supported.




Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd

Kimberley Land Council

Fat Bike Championships Inc



Local Government Act 1995

6.8. Expenditure from municipal fund not included in annual


 (1) A local government is not to incur expenditure from its municipal fund for an additional purpose except where the expenditure —

 (a) is incurred in a financial year before the adoption of the annual budget by the local government; or

 (b) is authorised in advance by resolution*; or

 (c) is authorised in advance by the mayor or president in an


 * Absolute majority required.

6.8. Expenditure from municipal fund not included in annual budget

 (1) A local government is not to incur expenditure from its municipal fund for an additional purpose except where the expenditure —

 (a) is incurred in a financial year before the adoption of the annual budget by the local government; or

 (b) is authorised in advance by resolution*; or

 (c) is authorised in advance by the mayor or president in an emergency.

 * Absolute majority required.

6.10. Financial management regulations may provide for —

 (a) the security and banking of money received by a local government; and

 (b) the keeping of financial records by a local government;


 (c) the management by a local government of its assets, liabilities and revenue; and

 (d) the general management of, and the authorisation of payments out of

 (i) the municipal fund; and

 (ii) the trust fund,

 of a local government.

Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996

11. Payments, procedures for making etc.

 (1) A local government is to develop procedures for the authorisation of, and the payment of, accounts to ensure that there is effective security for, and properly authorised use of —

 (a) cheques, credit cards, computer encryption devices and passwords, purchasing cards and any other devices or methods by which goods, services, money or other benefits may be obtained; and

(b) petty cash systems.

 (2) A local government is to develop procedures for the approval of accounts to ensure that before payment of an account a determination is made that the relevant debt was incurred by a person who was properly authorised to do so.

 (3) Payments made by a local government —

 (a) subject to sub regulation (4), are not to be made in cash;


 (b) are to be made in a manner which allows identification

of —

 (i) the method of payment; and

 (ii) the authority for the payment; and

 (iii) the identity of the person who authorised the payment.





3.4.9 Tourism Administration Policy




The table below outlines the allocation of the funds to in-kind services, that is the provision of services by the Shire’s outside work crews, in-kind fees and charges for the use of Shire venues, permit application fees associated with the event applications and the cash funding allocations.


Tourism Initiatives (Account 132060)

In-kind Fees and Charges

Cash Component


Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd




Kimberley Land Council




Fat Bike Championship Inc












Available funds




Remaining Funds












Community dissatisfaction with allocations

Perception that Shire is not maximising opportunity to support organisations providing social and economic benefits



All successful applicants to provide a full acquittal of the project including demonstration of Shire recognition

Funding recipient dissatisfaction with allocations

Perception that Shire is not maximising opportunity to support organisations providing social and economic benefits



A fair and equitable assessment process has been undertaken

Poor return on investment

Services provided do not meet industry and visitor requirements



All successful applicants to provide a full acquittal of the project including demonstration of the Shire recognition and details of visitor numbers, local spend and contribution to the local economy.





Our People Goal – Foster a community environment that is accessible, affordable, inclusive, healthy and safe:


Affordable services and initiatives to satisfy community need


Participation in recreational and leisure activity


Our Place Goal – Help to protect the nature and built environment and cultural heritage of Broome whilst recognising the unique sense of the place:


A preserved, historical and cultural heritage of Broome


Retention and expansion of Broome’s iconic tourism assets and reputation


Our Prosperity Goal – Create the means to enable local jobs creation and lifestyle affordability for the current and future population:


Affordable and equitable services and infrastructure


Key economic development strategies for the Shire which are aligned to regional outcomes working through recognised planning and development groups/committees


Our Organisation Goal – Continually enhance the Shire’s organisational capacity to service the needs of a growing community:


Responsible resource allocation


Effective community engagement



Simple Majority



That the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommends that Council supports the following applications from funds within the Tourism Administration Policy from budgeted amount 2017-18 (Tourism Initiatives Account - 132060):

1.       Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd - $20,000

2.       Kimberley Land Council - $20,000

3.       Fat Bike Championship Inc - $ 2,000



Committee Resolution:

Moved: Cr C Mitchell                                               Seconded: Mr D Galwey

That the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommends that Council supports the following applications from funds within the Tourism Administration Policy from budgeted amount 2017-18 (Tourism Initiatives Account - 132060):

1.       Cable Beach Polo Pty Ltd - $20,000

2.       Kimberley Land Council - $20,000 subject to a full budget being provided prior to consideration by council

3.       Fat Bike Championship Inc - $ 2,000

Carried 8/1


Reason: No budget provided in application.



Cable Beach Polo Funding Request 2018


Kimberley Land Council Funding Request 2018


Fat Bike Championships Inc Funding Request 2018





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MinutesEconomic Development Advisory Committee Meeting 5 April 2018                                            Page 1 of 4


This item and any attachments are confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(ii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal information that has a commercial value to a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”, and section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.

This item was withdrawn due to lack of quorum to resolve the item.

With regard to Item 6.2 Cr D Male declared a Financial Interest – “a number of community applicants are clients of my business.” and departed the chambers at 5.34pm.

With regard to Item 6.2 Ms S Bergersen declared a Financial Interest – “Board member BCCI.”

With regard to Item 6.2, Ms E Lucke declared the following Proximity Interest – “I am a Director & Vice President of the Broome Chamber of Commerce & Industry.”  

With regard to Item 6.2, Ms S Bergersen declared the following impartiality interest pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 – “NBY/Yawuru has supported the Salt Water Country Rodeo. KLC – National Native Title – NBY is a co-host.”

With regard to Item 6.2, Mr S Proud declared the following impartiality interest pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 – “I am a member of the Broome Turf Club Inc.”

With regard to Item 6.2, Ms M Virgo declared the following impartiality interest pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 – “They are members. We promote & sell tickets. Part of Visitor servicing for BVC role.”

With regard to Item 6.2, Mr P Taylor declared the following impartiality interest pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 – “President BCCI.”



LOCATION/ADDRESS:                             Nil

APPLICANT:                                              Various Applicants

FILE:                                                           FIS10

AUTHOR:                                                   Events and Economic Development Coordinator

CONTRIBUTOR/S:                                    Project Officer - Development and Community

Manager Community and Economic Development

RESPONSIBLE OFFICER:                           Director Development and Community

DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST:                      Nil

DATE OF REPORT:                                    28 March 2018


SUMMARY:         This report provides an overview of the applications received for funding support through the Economic, Events and Tourism Development Funding program for the 2018-2019 financial year. It requests that the Economic Development Advisory Committee make a recommendation to Council for the allocation of the funding.






Funding Guidelines


Application Evaluation and Recommendation Report page 1


Application Evaluation and Recommendation Report page 2


Ardyaloon Inc Application 2018


Broome Bowling Club Application 2018


Broome Chamber of Commerce and Industry Application 2018


Broome Fishing Club Application 2018


Broome Toursim Leadership Group Application 2018


Broome Turf Club Application 2018


Broome Marathon (Fit Events)  Application 2018


Cable Beach Polo Application 2018


Cruise Broome Application 2018


Fat Bike Championship (Karunjie Events) Application 2018


Kimberley Land Council Application 2018


Saltwater Country Inc Application 2018


Theatre Kimberley Inc Application 2018




Committee Resolution:

Moved: Cr D Male                                                    Seconded: Cr C Mitchell

That Cr C Mitchell preside over the meeting for Item 6.3.


MinutesEconomic Development Advisory Committee Meeting 5 April 2018                                            Page 1 of 4



With regard to Item 6.3 Cr D Male declared a Financial Interest – “ANW is a client of my business” and departed the chambers at 3.25pm.

With regard to Item 6.3 Ms M Virgo declared a Financial Interest – “I am the Operations Manager of the BVC & I am on the payroll” and departed the chambers at 3.25pm.

With regard to Item 6.3, Mr D Galwey declared the following impartiality interest pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 – “Chairman of the BVC Board.”

Cr C Mitchell assumed the Chair.

6.3         Tourism Administration Policy Allocations for 2018/19

LOCATION/ADDRESS:                             Nil

APPLICANT:                                              Nil

FILE:                                                           ECI05.3

AUTHOR:                                                   Manager Community and Economic Development

CONTRIBUTOR/S:                                    Events and Economic Development Coordinator

RESPONSIBLE OFFICER:                           Manager Community and Economic Development

DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST:                      Nil

DATE OF REPORT:                                    29 March 2018


SUMMARY:         This report provides a review of the activities of the recipients of funding under the Shire’s Tourism Administration Policy 3.4.9 and makes a recommendation regarding proposed funding allocations under this policy for consideration as part of the 2018/19 budget process.





Previous Considerations


OMC 14 April 2011               Item 9.2.1

SMC 13 July 2011                 Item 9.2.1

OMC 19 April 2012               Item 9.4.4

OMC 26 June 2015              Item 9.4.4

OMC 15 October 2015       Item 10.3

OMC 31 March 2016           Item 9.2.3

SMC 10 June 2016               Item 7.1

EDAC 18 May 2017              Item 6.2

OMC 25 May 2017              Item 12.2

OMC 14 December 2017   Item 9.4.5




The Shire of Broome recognises that tourism offers a range of social and economic benefits, and that a sustainable tourism industry requires balance with environmental, cultural and heritage values, and community lifestyle.


The Shire’s Tourism Administration Policy 3.4.9 (Policy) (formerly 2.1.6) guides Council’s role within the tourism industry, including the extent of Council’s direct financial assistance to tourism initiatives. The Policy outlines the key areas for Council funding – Visitor Information Services, Destination Marketing and Tourism Initiatives.


The current Policy reflects changes endorsed by Council as part of the Policy Manual Review 2017 which was presented to the Ordinary Meeting of Council (OMC) on 14 December 2017. Substantial changes were implemented to streamline the Policy and create a consistent framework for funding allocated from the Tourism Administration Fund. 


The revised Policy includes the following description of focus areas for funding:


1.   Visitor Information Services


Council will work collaboratively with the Broome Visitors Centre for the provision of visitor servicing and determining of high level tourism priorities for the Shire of Broome.


2.   Destination Marketing


The Shire of Broome shall work collaboratively with Australia’s North West (ANW) for the promotion of the Broome shire as a visitor destination to external markets and determining of associated high-level tourism priorities for the Shire of Broome.


3.   Other Tourism Initiatives


The Shire of Broome shall work collaboratively with organisation for the promotion and development of the Broome shire as a visitor destination on initiative that meet the high-level tourism priorities for the Shire of Broome


Council considered the implementation of the Economic, Events and Tourism Development Funding Program at the OMC on 14 December 2017.  The Program was developed to provide support to eligible projects, activities and events which deliver tangible outcomes for the local government area and align with the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027.


As per the resolution below, Council endorsed the new program and the allocation of remaining funds from the annual Tourism Administration Policy:




Moved: Cr C Marriott                                               Seconded: Cr C Mitchell

That Council endorses the creation of the Economic, Events and Tourism Development Funding Program and:

(a)    Adopts the Economic, Events and Tourism Development Funding Program Guidelines as shown in Attachment 1.

(b)    Considers allocating a total budget of $192,000 ($105,000 cash and $87,000 in kind) for distribution through the Funding Program as part of the 2018/19 budget process.

(c)    Endorses the allocation of remaining funds in accordance with the Tourism Administration Policy to the Economic, Events and Tourism Development Funding Program.






Australia’s North West Tourism (ANW) and Broome Visitor Centre (BVC) have complied with the application requirements under Policy. A summary of these reports is provided below and the reports for ANW and BVC are attached for the Committee’s consideration.


As per the Policy, the full acquittal reports against the 2017/18 funding are due within 90 days of the end of the financial year. However, organisations have provided updates on their activities against current Key Performance Indicators as part of their applications.


Visitor Servicing – Broome Visitors Centre


The BVC is funded to provide visitor information services in Broome. The Centre’s report (see Attachment 1) outlined key outcomes delivered in 2017 which include:


•       The leasing of the Kiosk/Café which engages visitors for longer periods of time;

•       Implement an online marketing strategy;

•       The production and publication of the Broome Visitor Guide which generates new revenue streams through advertising as well as delivering results for members;

•       Introduced an inbound telecommunications response centre;

•       Re-established focus on retail and merchandising;

•       Online revenue has increased by 20%;

•       Provide quality visitor services to encourage visitors to extend their stay and spend more;

•       Implemented a Welcome strategy at the Broome International Airport where friendly staff greet arriving passengers and are on hand to help;

•       Introduction of the Airport advertising at the Broome International Airport increasing revenue; and

•       Increased involvement in the Meet & Greet at Cruise Ship Visits.


The BVC has requested an increased annual allocation of $120,000 (see Attachment 2), with the additional $20,000 in funding being used for the following:


•       Implementation of the improved strategic plan, which focuses on the sustainability of the BVC, member feedback, improved Visitor Servicing and engagement where it requires additional human resources;

•       Conduct surveys with Visitors and Members to maintain and reflect on the operations of the BVC – data to become a valuable resource to track industry performance and guide response strategies;

•       Introduce online shopping for local arts and crafts as new revenue stream;

•       Promotion and ticket sales of major events in Broome to come through the BVC;

•       Packaging and campaigning to extend the season and work with major events to provide a complete and unique experience to visitors of the region;

•       Increased distribution and growth of the Broome Visitor Guide; and

•       Greater engagement strategy through broadened membership base.


Officers recommend that the Shire provides the same level of funding as per 2017/18, noting that some new or additional projects may not be feasible to deliver under this model. However, Shire officers believe there is an opportunity to build upon the current partnership and collaboration between the Shire and the BVC – hence providing opportunities to pursue new initiatives without increasing the funding allocation in the first instance.


Destination Marketing – Australia’s North West


ANW is funded to provide destination marketing for the Broome region – with a key emphasis on the marketing of Broome both as a destination and as gateway to the broader Kimberley region. ANW’s reports for 2017 (see Attachments 3 and 4) outlined outcomes including:


•       Partnership with Broome International Airport to successfully initiate a trial flight between Singapore and Broome;

•       Strategic marketing of Broome within targeted and broader marketing campaigns;

•       Delivery of the highly successful Broometime Campaign;

•       Multiple Broome stories across print and online mediums;

•       Hosted journalists from a range of media outlets – including assistance in content development and hosting activities;

•       Maintaining an active presence on social media;

•       Continued presence at trade events, both national and international; and

•       Support of high profile Broome events.


ANW has again requested an annual allocation of $175,000 (see Attachment 5). Based on the continued value demonstrated in marketing outcomes for Broome delivered by ANW, officers recommend that the level of funding remains at $175,000 for 2018/19.




Australia’s North West

Broome Visitor Centre




Local Government Act 1995

6.33.           Differential general rates

                   (1)     A local government may impose differential general rates according to     any, or a combination, of the following characteristics — 

                           (b)      a purpose for which the land is held or used as determined by the       local government; or

                           (c)      whether or not the land is vacant land; or

                   (d)    any other characteristic or combination of characteristics prescribed.




3.4.9 Tourism Administration Policy




In recent years, Council has budgeted $315,000 in total from tourism/commercial rates to fund the Tourism Administration Policy allocation.


The table below outlines the Shire’s contribution to tourism promotion in 2017/18 as well as the proposed allocation for 2018/19 under 3.4.9 – Tourism Administration Policy.





2018/19 Request

 2018/19 Allocation

Australia’s North West




Broome Visitor Centre




Strategic Tourism Initiatives









*Unallocated funds will be transferred to add to the total pool for the Events, Economic Development and Tourism Program.









Community and stakeholder dissatisfaction with allocations

Perception that Shire is not maximising opportunity to support organisations providing social and economic benefits



KPI development to ensure organisations have a focus that aligns with the Tourism Administration Policy

Funding recipient dissatisfaction with annual allocations

Perception that Shire is not maximising opportunity to support organisations providing social and economic benefits



KPI development to ensure organisations have a focus that aligns with the Tourism Administration Policy

Poor return on investment

Services provided do not meet industry and visitor requirements



Implementation of regular reporting on progress against KPI





Our People Goal – Foster a community environment that is accessible, affordable, inclusive, healthy and safe:


Effective communication


Affordable services and initiatives to satisfy community need


Our Place Goal – Help to protect the nature and built environment and cultural heritage of Broome whilst recognising the unique sense of the place:


Retention and expansion of Broome’s iconic tourism assets and reputation


Our Prosperity Goal – Create the means to enable local jobs creation and lifestyle affordability for the current and future population:



Key economic development strategies for the Shire which are aligned to regional outcomes working through recognised planning and development groups/committees


Our Organisation Goal – Continually enhance the Shire’s organisational capacity to service the needs of a growing community:


Responsible resource allocation


Improved systems, processes and compliance




Simple Majority



That the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommends that Council: 

1.       Notes the reports received from Australia’s North West and the Broome Visitor Centre, including the progress towards the achievement of the annual Key Performance Indicators, as per Attachments 1, 3 and 4.

2.       Endorses the attached Key Performance Indicators for Broome Visitor Centre and Australia’s North West as per Attachments 2 and 5.

3.       In accordance with Policy 3.4.9 – Tourism Administration, includes the following allocations as part of the 2018/19 budget process:

(a)     $175,000 to Australia’s North West

(b)     $100,000 to Broome Visitor Centre

4.       Allocate the remaining balance of funding towards the 2018/19 Events, Economic Development and Tourism Funding Program.



Committee Resolution:

Moved: Mr P Taylor                                                   Seconded: Ms S Bergersen

That the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommends that Council: 

1.       Notes the reports received from Australia’s North West and the Broome Visitor Centre, including the progress towards the achievement of the annual Key Performance Indicators, as per Attachments 1, 3 and 4.

2.       Endorses the attached Key Performance Indicators for Broome Visitor Centre and Australia’s North West as per Attachments 2 and 5.

3.       In accordance with Policy 3.4.9 – Tourism Administration, includes the following allocations as part of the 2018/19 budget process:

(a)    $175,000 to Australia’s North West

(b)    $110,000 to Broome Visitor Centre

4.       Allocate the remaining balance of funding towards the 2018/19 Events, Economic Development and Tourism Funding Program.



Reason – In line with previous grants prior to last year. Critical function to increase marketing resources given that tourism numbers are down.


Cr D Male and Ms M Virgo returned to the meeting at 3:38pm. Cr C Mitchell read aloud the resolution for the benefit of Cr D Male and Ms M Virgo.


Cr D  Male assumed the Chair.




BVC Overview 2017 (Confidential to Councillors and Directors Only)

This attachment is confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.


BVC Application 2018/19 (Confidential to Councillors and Directors Only)

This attachment is confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.


ANW Annual Report 2017 (Confidential to Councillors and Directors Only)

This attachment is confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.


ANW Annual Overview 2017 (Confidential to Councillors and Directors Only)

This attachment is confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.


ANW Funding Submission 2018-19 (Confidential to Councillors and Directors Only)

This attachment is confidential in accordance with Section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.23(2)((e)(iii)) as it contains “a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government”.



MinutesEconomic Development Advisory Committee Meeting 5 April 2018                                            Page 1 of 4


7.         Notices OF MOTION 


8.         Matters Behind Closed Doors



9.         Meeting Closure

There being no further business the Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 3:39pm.